Availability Modifier
Ubiquitous (UB) Automatic
Abundant (AB) +30
Plentiful (PL) +20
Common (CM) +10
Average (AV) +0
Scarce (SC) -10
Rare (RA) -20
Very Rare (VR) -30
Exremely Rare (ER) -40
Near Unique (NU) -50
Unique (UN) -60
Craftsmanship Modifier
Poor +10
Common +0
Good -20
Best -30
Planetary Type Modifier
Feral World -40
Frontier World -20
Civil World -10
Hive World +0
Forge World +10
Technological Development
Tech Level Weapon Armour Civilian Tech
Tribal Low-Tech (Poor) Heavy Leather Agriculture, Obsidian
Feudal Low-Tech Chain, Plate Mount, Wagons
Industrial Stubbers, Mono Proto-Flak Autocars, Trains
Backwater Autoguns, Shock Flak Vest Aircraft, Vox-Casters
Modern Lasguns, Chain Flak Armour Cogitators, Servitors
Advanced Plasma, Power Carapace Hololiths, Maglev
Scale Modifier
Personal (1) +0
Team (3-5) -10
Squad (6-10) -15
Platoon (30-50) -20
Company (100-250) -30
Battalion (400-1k) -40
Brigade (2k-4k) -50
Division (10k-20k) -60
Corps (50k-100k) -70
Army (100k-300k) -80
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